Bastion – competition submission


Revitalization of a fortification bastion, Horská street, Prague
Open competition submission

Year: 2007

Creative team: Jana Langerová, Lukáš Vacek, Marek Veleba, Šimon Vojtík, Lucie Čížková

Bastion XXXI is a part of the fortification of Prague quarter New Town. It extends eastwards between the parks Ztracenka and Folimanka. Location of the fortress at the highest point of the New Town anticipates its potential significance as a future public space. Situated between an adjanced areas of the city greenery, it plays, thanks to the historical esprit, a significant role.

With the irregular dynamic geometry it is sharply bounded, well-defined and wouldn´t tolarate any intervention into its essence. The structure needs to be accepted, handled and made livable. There is enought stimuli to do so. Inner space is opened but protected and with several layers of context it is organically integrated into the composition of city´s constituing elements, although it is not pleasantly romantic.

Bastion is consistently detached from the rest of the urban structure and remains so also in the proposal.

Thin ditch with running water in a metal open canal dilatates the street from the entrance part of the bastion. The story of water combines diverse plays and space scenes. Inner space bounded with the high wall on the west and south side crates almost an interior. An intimate place for garden party, as well as for the theatre.

The steps and a vista along gothic castle wall next to the northern facade of a garden house invites for a journey between the house and the tree, accompanied by a trickle of water. Here the history comes to speak to us. The view gradually opens, emerging the tree, the fountain and nearly complete city panorama at the end of a path. The tree a living reminder of an event plays an important role in long distance views.